Mujercitos is a collective. Although Mujerciitos publishes on social media networks, it is not a media outlet. Mujercitos is Mujercitos. It does not like the media, it likes extremes. Mujercitos uses visual, textual and paratextual writing to reveal "things you keep quiet"; it uses performativity so that words become gestures and gestures become shots to kill dead time. In Mujercitos words and images are unique, inseparable and unbearable pieces. Vomit is their means of expression. Vomit is freedom. Mujercitos says it has a magazine, but it really has an empire. The Mujercitos are radioactive: there is a mamarracha, a ghost writer, a night bar go-go girl, a child philosopher, a cigar delivery girl and a text devourer. There's conspiracy, apocrypha, fake documentaries and fake history. Mujercitos is likes punks, queers and outsiders. Gore cinema, Z cinema, porn and post-porn. Mujercitos generates stalkers and haters. That is its greatest virtue: to annoy those who have not learned to vomit.